Comedian Song In Hwa revealed that she has a girlfriend.
According to the interview with TENASIA on August 6th, Song In Hwa is currently in a relationship with a woman. Song In Hwa commented, "I hope people don't look at homosexuality only in a sexual way. How I feel about my girlfriend is a feeling of affection and love, just as any other couple." She also shared she plans on opening a YouTube channel with her girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Song In Hwa was previously sentenced to 6 months of jail and 2 years of a suspended sentence for marijuana use back in December 2013. She said she has been regretting and reflecting upon her past in the aforementioned interview.
Song In Hwa debuted as an actress back in 2005 with the film 'My Boss, My Teacher' and changed her career as a comedian in 2013, appearing on KBS's 'Gag Concert'.
Happy for her. I hope more Korean celebrities are able to come out when they feel like it.
ALSO, this is something to be celebrated. THIS IS GOOD NEWS. Why the **** do you have to bring up her 2013 issue? Y'all got to stop just identifying celebrities because of their scandals. WE NEED TO HELP THEM CHANGE FOR THE BETTER AND NOT BRING THEM DOWN.
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