On a recent installment of Super Junior's ongoing 'V Live' variety series 'SJ Returns' season 4, each of the members took turns visiting the fortune telling guru Shindong, each with a problem or a concern they had.
When it came Leeteuk and Eunhyuk's turns to seek the guru's advice, Leeteuk asked, "I want to be in Super Junior for a long time, but how can I do that?"
Hearing this concern, the guru Shindong began, "This is the wrong question to ask."
Shindong: "We should not be asking this question. We just need to do our job. We shouldn't be curious about this."
Leeteuk: "But what I'm worried about is that when more time passes, and we are not as strong. Should we keep going even though we don't have the strength like we used to?"
Leeteuk: "Or should we leave while we still can, when people are still applauding for us?"
Shindong: "I think that as long as each member does their best, the group will survive."
Leeteuk: "I recently went to the trot awards, where singer Lee Mi Ja appeared on stage to sing. She is 80-years old. She was healthy and beautiful as she sang. I shed tears while watching her."
Leeteuk: "When I'm 80, will Super Junior still be able to go on that kind of stage?"
Shindong: "Yes, we can."
Eunhyuk: "But at the same time, I think that we should not be so hung over that and we should not be so broken if we cannot have that stage."
Shindong: "Remember that the survival of Super Junior is not determined by Super Junior."
Leeteuk: "As time goes by, even though we debuted as an idol group, we will change and not be so idol-like anymore. Will fans understand that?"
Shindong: "We need to let go. We just need to be who we are."
Shindong: "Super Junior exists because of our fans."
Finally, the three members consulted Shindong's book of wisdom. They asked the question, "Will Super Junior last forever?"
The book answered: "Begin acting on it."
The members rejoiced at the roundabout, but still inspiring answer, hooraying as they wrapped up the episode.
What do you think of Super Junior's thoughts and concerns?
I think its very admirable that they are strong enough to talk about this together, it's very respectable, and I hope that they are able to do what's best for them in the end. :D