original post: theqoo

Netizens reaction to the chart:
1. TWICE is the best
2. I’m proud of TWICE
3. Wow IZONE has nearly 1 million copies with only 2 albumsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. Including Japanese album?? So KARA is in 3rd place
5. Oh, GFriend has sold a lot of albums
6. BLACKPINK is good even though they have few albums
7. Oh, it includes Japanese albumsㅋㅋ BLACKPINK’s albums have sold well.
8. Are the figures correct for SNSD? They debuted before 2010, but the rankings are calculated from 2010.
9. AOA is lower than I thought
10. Once again, SNSD represents the 2nd generation and TWICE represents the 3rd generationㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
11. KARA is really famous in Japan
IZ*ONE did that in less than a year with two mini albums and 2 japanese singles.
Twice and SNSD also proving they are the Nation's Girl Groups (Also TTS the only sub unit on the list)
Kara Queens of Japan
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