On October 21st, Wonder Girls' Sohee became the victim of a hacker, who managed to gain access to her Twitter account. This outsider declared himself to be 'iNick aka cloverfdch' in the description box beside the idol's display icon. He wrote, "Hi! this is iNick aka cloverfdch. Thanks for the epic account Sohee :)" Additionally, the hacker left some offensive tweets which included, "Hi stupid sand n**** I hope you 211,000 people see this" and "Hello me! :))))))". Fans who visited the idol's website immediately knew there was something wrong with her account, as the real Sohee would never leave such rude remarks on her public page. JYP Entertainment has confirmed that Sohee's account was hacked, as they assured fans with the message, "@WGSOHEE account got hacked. We will solve this problem ASAP. We apologize. -JYPE" Tip: ervinkstar
Sohee's Twitter account gets hacked
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, October 22, 2011
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