Super Junior's Donghae, who is well known for participating in charitable causes, grabbed fellow member Sungmin for a Korean Red Cross CF. In this CF, the two boys are initially involved in an intense staredown. As if knowing what the other is thinking, Donghae and Sungmin simultaneously roll up their sleeves and expose arms that appear to be flexed very tightly. Hilariously, a nurse comes up to the boys and tells them that they don't need to clench their fists so tightly, thus ending the small macho contest between the two friends. Check out this cute CF and support their cause in saving lives through blood donations! Thanks to Dora, Go Donghae, and Kea Zertuche for the tip!
Super Junior's Donghae and Sungmin for Korean Red Cross CF
Posted by 1 pt Thursday, November 11, 2010
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