An OBS docuseries titled 'Family' showed the story of thirty-two young boy monks living at the Musimsa Temple located on Bakdal Mountain. The show portrayed their every-day life and the small struggles that came about the boy monks' ways.
What caught the eyes of viewers was the tears of a baby monk who was being punished for fighting with his younger brother. Although they are all of different ages and personalities, they live under the same roof as a family. They have been living together and cultivating the way under the teachings of Buddha.
These young monks wake up together at 4:30 am and train themselves to reach enlightenment. However, these young monks fight and cry at times as they mature together.
The young monk named Myo Seol (6 yrs old) was unjustly reprimanded for he was only trying to help out his older brothers. Amidst helping with cleaning up the toys, Myo Seol pushed his younger brother, Myo Il, and Myo Il began to cry.
Feeling unjust as he stood by the walls with both his hands raised to receive punishment, Myo Seol too begins to tear because he got into this trouble when he was only trying to help.
Throughout the docuseries, Myo Seol and Myo Il are seen quarreling with each other even as they are playing. These young monks fight and forgive one another as they grow up together.
This docuseries had aired back in 2014 but had caught the interest of the viewers recently when this adorable video was recently uploaded to YouTube.
Watching these young monks laugh and giggle cheerfully has made the hearts of the viewers warm.
I am replying to this post based on how I admire the discipline the monks put towards self-mastery;
it is a great example of principles in action.