A high profile lawyer who once served as the acting Prosecutor General has resigned from defending singer Kim Ho Joong.
According to legal circles, on July 3, singer Kim Ho Joong appointed a high-profile legal team ahead of his trial. On June 26, he selected two lawyers from the law firm Hyunjai, Jeon Sang Gwi and Jo Wan Woo. Although three lawyers from the law firm Daehwan resigned on June 27, Lee Ho Sun, a professor of law at Kookmin University, joined the defense team the same day.
This brought Kim Ho Joong’s legal team to a total of six members, including former prosecutors and a lawyer who had served as the acting Prosecutor General, attracting criticism for being an "extravagant defense team."
However, on the afternoon of July 3, it was reported by Star News and legal sources that Jo Nam Kwan, one of Kim Ho Joong’s lawyers, submitted his resignation to the Seoul Central District Court. Kim Ho Joong faces charges of violating the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes (dangerous driving causing injury) among others.

Jo Nam Kwan, a graduate of Seoul National University's law school and a former prosecutor, has held positions such as Director of the Prosecutor’s Office at the Ministry of Justice and Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. He also served as acting Prosecutor General in 2020 when Yoon Seok Yeol, the then Prosecutor General, was suspended.
Additionally, Jo drew attention to his previous work with Lee Chang Su, the newly appointed head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office.
Jo had been representing Kim Ho Joong since May during the police investigation. After Jo was appointed, Kim Ho Joong reversed his previous stance and admitted to drunk driving, with Jo conveying Kim’s state of mind.
Jo agreed to represent Kim only during the prosecution's investigation stage and resigned a week before the trial.
Meanwhile, alongside Kim Ho Joong, Sangga Entertainment CEO Lee Kwang Deuk, executive Jeon Mo, and manager Jang Mo, who are also facing trial, have appointed only two lawyers for their defense.
Judge Choi Min Hye of the Seoul Central District Court Criminal Division 26 will hold the first hearing for Kim Ho Joong, CEO Lee, executive Jeon, and manager Jang on July 10.
SEE ALSO: Prosecution continues to seek 3 years and 6 months in prison for Kim Ho Joong's DUI hit and run case