Fans worry about Stray Kids' Hyunjin's safety after performing in Heavy Racing Boots, creating a potential dangerous situation
Posted by Dried-Coconut979 pts Sunday, August 13, 2023
On August 10th, Stray Kids delivered a stellar performance at the HDA. However, two days later, a keen-eyed Korean fan pointed out that Hyunjin was wearing racing boots during the performance. Weighing nearly 2kg (4.5 lbs) each, these boots are not designed for walking, much less dancing. This choice of footwear posed a significant risk for Hyunjin, where a misstep could have easily led to injury.
Fans quickly took to Instagram to ask for an explanation from the stylist, only to find out he had worn the exact same boots days before making the idol use them.
After fans voiced their concerns on his page, the stylist promptly restricted comments. However, this did not deter fans, who swiftly took to Twitter, tagging Stray Kids and JYP Entertainment, urging the stylist's replacement. This is the second controversy surrounding the stylist, the first involving a shared group photo with member Lee Know conspicuously cropped out.
Hopefully, JYPE will address the situation promptly and consider the fans' concerns.
AnonymousInsider3,289 ptsSunday, August 13, 2023 3
Sunday, August 13, 2023
If you look and really pay attention, a lot of the things idols wear for videos and concerts are not good at all with dancing. Those designer clothes they wear? Yeah, awful to dance in. Overheat much easier, get itchy when you sweat, I know of a few people who break out and have been close to passing out in a dance crew that wore the crap.
24(+25 / -1)
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Titinator4,917 ptsSunday, August 13, 2023 1
Sunday, August 13, 2023
JYP you must take care of your artist and their well being listen to their fans plea and concern
If you look and really pay attention, a lot of the things idols wear for videos and concerts are not good at all with dancing. Those designer clothes they wear? Yeah, awful to dance in. Overheat much easier, get itchy when you sweat, I know of a few people who break out and have been close to passing out in a dance crew that wore the crap.
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