On January 19, WINNER's Song Min Ho shared some of his enigmatic thoughts in a handwritten diary entry, posted to his Instagram story.
The musician wrote,
"The older I get, the more experiences I gain. The more times I overcome failure, the more people around me get married, the more I start to like foods I couldn't eat. The more new encounters become a bother and home is the most comfortable, but also the most solitary. The more choices I have, too many so that sometimes I sob like a little child and give up. Even a few spoonfuls of soup make me full, and the parties that used to be so fun become exhausting because there are too many awkward encounters. I'm getting older, I have more wrinkles, I draw, and I have more and more worries about what I should draw. Is there really someone out there for me. Is there really someone out there who will embrace me warmly, solitary me, even when I'm old."
What do you think Song Min Ho meant to share in his latest story post?

Aaawwww… Mino.. he’s in difficult transition.. He just lost his father, he’s entering his 30, and about to enlist soon, worry about his future career, he’s facing emotional, physical challenges. There’s must be thousand thoughts lingering his mind. I hope there’s someone around him who can tell him that everything gonna be okay every time he’s down. Sincerely wish him to find someone he can share everything with one day. I’m not a fan, but I like him. I can feel and see his sincerity in everything he does, he has good personality too. Take care Mino…