videography is one of the largest from a girl group who has just
debuted a few months ago besides having a really complex symbology
and lore in their music videos. Block Berry Creative,
LOONA's company, stated from the beginning the goal to create
art, not just a regular girl group, spending over 8 million USD in
order to pursue that purpose.
known LOONA's MVs are really difficult to understand, here you will
find the easiest “12 points” guide to read between the lines
what's happening in their MVs from what fans have found out.
The Loonaverse
members are placed in a fictional world calledLOONAVERSE. This
world is divided into three dimensions: Earth
- Cosmos - Eden.
As the members were released, they were placed in eachdimension
to finally write their own story and create subunits.
the first subunitLOOΠΔ
1/3 is
a combination of girls present on planet Earth. These girls portray
the most realistic and practical scenerios. The second subunit, LOOΠΔ
itself in Cosmos and they travel throughout the different
dimensions trying to unit all the girls together. Finally, LOOΠΔ
/ yyxy are
beyond Earth and Cosmos, in the place called “Eden”, however
how utopic that place is will make the girls want to leave it.

Members' colors and symbologies
the time each girl was released, they were creating their own
symbology which follows them into the rest of the videos. This could
seem a lot of information, but once you play attention to
details at their music videos, you will start associating each
member with their symbology.

Möbius Strip
In Loonaverse, the girls are trapped in a never ending loop called Möbius Strip. For those who don't know, the Möbius Strip is a surface with one continuous side formed by joining the ends of a rectangular strip after twisting one end through 180º.
Each part of the Loonaverse is placed on a surface of the Möbius Strip, so anytime the girls keep going forward, they will flip and end in another part of the Loonaverse forming new subunits and timelines. Being in different surfaces of the Möbius Strip can make the girls change their appearence, personality and memories, but they will still stick to their main features.

Black and White
what has been revealed until debut, the girls were living in a
timeline where Heejin
(the first member) started everything. Her solo MV called “ViViD”
portraits a girl in a black and white cinematography scene wishing to
live in a colorful world. After that, all the grey shades faded away,
making her music video a colorful enviroment.
At the MV
“Sweet Crazy Love” by LOONA
the world seems to be exactly as Heejin's:
a black and white space with no colors. Suddenly everything turns
colorful as well. Kim
and JinSoul
explore the Cosmos and wake up their strange-odd eye in their solo
MV, “Eclipse” and “Singing In The Rain”. However, the third
member, Choerry,
of this subunit didn't wake up her “odd” eye until her own solo
MV, “Love Cherry Motion”.

Odd eyes
members in LOONA
have an “odd eye” which is related to a moon, as it was exposed
in the teaser called “Reveal” by LOONA
and Vivi
have this unique feature, but there is not much information about
eye. As far as it have been discovered, the members of the second
subunit can travel through the different dimensions in order to unit
all the girls and break the loop of the Möbius Strip.

Android ViVi
one of the most unique members in the Loonaverse because she is not a
regular girl but an android. In the MV “Love & Live”, she is
portrayed as an isolated character who don't understand human
feelings and never get tired of physical activities. However, at
solo MV called “New”, it showed us how ViVi
lived as a normal human. All the imaginary conceived in this music
video is re-created in ViVi's
solo MV “Everyday I love you”, but instead of Yves,
the robot version of ViVi
fell in love with a boy, because her memories have changed.

you have seen LOONA's
music videos since Choerry's
release you must asked youself why they are eating fruits all the
time. The answer is simple: loving themselves. It seems like Choerry
can travel through the different dimensions when she eats cherries.
Nevertheless, in the third subunit,
eating these forbidden fruits is dissimilar. When a girl from Eden
eats their fruit it symbolizes the act of accepting themselves and
denying what is expected from them.
In the MV “Heart
Chuu has
seen eating a green apple what makes her falling to the ground
because it's not her fruit, but in her dream with Yves,
she accepts herself by eating her forbidden fruit (strawberry), and
only that way Yves
pays attention to her. For the 11th
member GoWon,
she accepts herself and stops hidding at shadows, changing her
appereance as butterflies (her animal) metamorphose.

Olivia Hye's emotion
in July of 2018, LOONA
released a mysterious video called “One” where we discovered all
the girls of this subunit are indeed the same girl but different
emotions. Yves is faith, Chuu represents love, GoWon is hope, and
finally, Olivia Hye symbolizes Anger.
solo MV “Egoist” portraits a girl who has awakened at the bottom
of a unknown place after being dropped from above. This full MV
represents how Olivia
was rejected by the rest of the girls from Eden for not accepting
herself. At the MV “Love4eva”, the girls left Olivia
behind in order to escape the symbolic Eden-castle.
As it have
been revealed, Olivia
emotion is anger. so in some frames of her solo MV, we can see blood,
fire and some animal eyes. At first sight, it only seems to be Olivia
struggles with herself, showing wolf's eyes (her animal) at some
points. However, fans recognize one of those eyes weren't from a wolf, but a
deer, ViVi's animal.
Could you guess why ViVi
is an android after living in Eden now? It seems
was the one who dropped Olivia
hand, making her a “fallen angel” from Eden, for not loving
herself. As Olivia
was accepting her true self, she showed her real color: anger. So she
took revenge at Yves'
beloved one: ViVi
it has displayed in the MV “New”), provoking her to change the
dimension in order to survive, that situation changes her appearance
and memories.

Breaking the loop
debut MV “Hi High”, the girls of LOONA
reunited the rest of the members to form the full group. At the
rhythm of the catchy “high high high”, all the girls started
running. When all the girls are running together, they can break the
loop as it has been showed in the MV “Hi Hight”, Heejin,
the first member, started flying to the moon.
However, if you
paid attention, not all the girls are running together. The third and
the fourth member, HaSeul
and YeoJin,
were seen in a beautiful green field playing around but we have never
seen them running. So, the goal to break the loop has failed in this

YeoJin's mystery and HaSeul's identity
you have caught up until this point you must be asking why have we
never seen YeoJin
any subunit and why she has been only seen with HaSeul.
As far as it have been revealed, YeoJin
was still 14 years old when the first subunit promotions took place,
so Block Berry Creative has to re-schedule plans to make LOONA
1/3 with
of her since YeoJin
couldn't attend.
Block Berry Creative built up a story to fit
absent in the videography narrative and claimed she got lost in an
unknown forest, and that's the reason why nobody found her in any
subunit or another solo MVs. But why is she lost in a forest?
has only been seen by herself in her solo MV “Kiss Later”, pairing with HaSeul
in the MV “My Melody” and the short scene in the MV “Hi High”
. Seeing her with HaSeul
makes everybody think why she got lost and here is the reason: it's
not the real HaSeul.
solo MV “Let me in”, the girl shooted the blonde version of
herself. That was apparently the real HaSeul
that timeline. So, fans have realized the HaSeul
have seen in this timeline with LOONA
is in deed the HaSeul
from other timeline, not the real one. This circumstance makes
everybody think YeoJin
got lost for an unknown reason related to this and that in
conclusion, destroy any possibility to break the loop in “Hi High”.

Twisting "+ +" to "X X"
debuted back in August of 2018 with the album “+ +”. Their new
release is going to be called “X X”, which is the result of
turning the sign “+”. to one side. What could that mean?
the end of their debut MV, HeeJin
seems to break the loop because she starts flying. However, in first
teaser for “X X” the girls went backward from that moment because
as we know, they failed the goal to unit the girls. So the timeline
restarts again.
Fans pointed out how after that teaser, the
next releases have been showing the girls from the third unit, LOONA
re-visiting LOONA
debut places as the Möbius
has changed the order completely.
appears in HaSeul's
crashed airplane scenery in Iceland. Olivia
seems lost and drained in a dark tunnel in Paris, Heejin's
debut city. Meanwhile Yves
and Chuu
were seen in the streets of Hong Kong, ViVi's

The Butterfly Effect
The teasers for “X X” have been hinting fans about the well known “Butterfly Effect”. This is one of the Chaos Theories by Edward
Lorenz, who explains the small wingbeat of a butterfly could produce
a hurricane in another part of the world (small actions can follow
big disasters).
Being GoWon's
animal a butterfly, it seems like her actions can follow huge
consequences. So, it seems in the new timeline created for this
comeback, GoWon
could make a difference in order to get to the same point where all the
girls were running to break the loop.
Block Berry Creative has
been posting teasers for the girls' second concert called LOONAVERSE.
In these posters we saw the certain frame were GoWon
could change everything by staying with Olivia
at the Eden-Casttle from the MV “Love4eva”. That small action
could lead into Olivia
controlling her emotion and not charging after ViVi,
transforming everything for now on in that timeline.

This guide
is just a slightly overview of the most important points to
understand what's going on in LOONA's
account. There are a lot of mysteries flowing around each MV and a
lot of unreleased content
has created for their events, for example: an unknown MV with the 7th
member, Choerry.
replacing 2nd
member, HyuJin,
making a bracelet for HyunJin,
What do you think about this complex lore? Have you ever
seen a girl group with a similar creative team behind? Let us know in
the comment section below.
stanloonaordie (Banned)139 pts Friday, February 1, 2019 0i love the loonaverse