The April 26 installment of MBC Every1's variety show 'Weekly Idol' celebrated its 300th episode. There was a role-reversal as Super Junior member Heechul, EXID's Hani, G-Friend's SinB and BTOB's Ilhoon were the MCs and Jung Hyung Don and Defconn acting as the guests.
Not used to the role change, the idol stars struggled to lead the show as they literally read word-for-word off the script making "guests" Jung Hyung Don and Defconn laugh.
Furthermore, both Jung Hyung Don and Defconn danced twice as fast to their song "Sexy Slide" as well as to a hit medley, making the viewers explode with laughter. The guests and MCs had fun with a round of numerous games.
Check out the fun antics in the clips provided.
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