The show centers around the life of girl group members who seem glamorous and radiant on stage but in reality live difficult lives. The cast members, including Moon Byul, Seulgi, Jeon So Mi, Lovelyz's Ryu Soo Jung, SONAMOO's D.ana, Kim So Hee, will be working together to write and create a drama detailing their own stories.
In Moon Byul's teaser, she sits down with the variety show's staff to discuss some of the hardships she's faced as a part of MAMAMOO, such as having to stand on stage doing nothing for most of a song, since her rap parts are limited.
In Seulgi's teaser, she similarly opens up about being labeled as a 'superstar' since her S.M.ROOKIES days.
Stay tuned for more inside peeks into 'Idol Drama Operation Team', until its premiere on May 29.
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