After being discharged from the army yesterday, Dynamic Duo's Gaeko shared two stunning photos from his wedding photoshoot with wife Kim Soomi, whom he married earlier this year. Their photoshoot was picked up by magazine 'InStyle' under the concept of a chic and modern party. Also pictured are his groupmate Choi Ja and actors Lee Jin Wook and Jung Il Woo. Althoug Gaeko's a rapper, he's also a talented designer. Not only did he design Dynamic Duo's album jacket photos, but also his own wedding invitations, photo table, and photo walls as well. The CEO of Luna Wedding said, "The celebrities who served with him in the army created a song and rap for their wedding to use as background music. I don't think I'll ever forget how touched Gaeko and his bride were." Source + Photos: BNT News via Nate
Dynamic Duo's Gaeko shares some pictures from his wedding photoshoot
Posted by 42 pts Monday, August 8, 2011
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