Actor Ki Tae Young recently shared a few sweet selcas featuring his lovely wife, Eugene. He tweeted before they left for their Europe honeymoon on July 25th, "The day we left for our honeymoon. We'll always be thankful for all the congratulations we received on our wedding." He added, "Thank you, everybody. We'll be back soon", and attached a picture of himself and Eugene dressed in sunglasses and couple tees. Ki Tae Young also posted a selca of him and Eugene in their wedding outfits. "The wedding was like a dream. After I come back, I'll share with my fans the song that I wrote and sang for my proposal to Eugene. It's called 'Oh! My genie'." Netizens commented, "This is great to see," "You guys are both so beautiful," "Congratulations~ Live a happy life together!" "I'm excited to hear 'Oh! My genie'," and "Enjoy your honeymoon." [gallery columns=4] Source & Photos: Star News via Nate
Newlyweds Ki Tae Young and Eugene leave for their honeymoon to Europe
Posted by 0 pt Monday, July 25, 2011
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