Last week, fans of the 'sweet potato' couple were in ecstasy after seeing some footage from Seohyun and Yonghwa's wedding photoshoot. Though it was only a preview, the explosive interest it garnered inspired the producers of "We Got Married" to unveil a single photo ahead of the episode's broadcast. Producers commented that their wedding photoshoot was done under the concept of 'their history', which brought out sensitive emotions between the two as they reflected back to the memories they've created together. It's said that upon seeing Seohyun in a pure-white wedding dress, Yonghwa's jaw dropped to the floor at her angelic beauty. Stay tuned for more updates on February 26th! Source: Star News via Nate
Yonghwa & Seohyun reveal a photo from their wedding photoshoot
Posted by 42 pts Friday, February 25, 2011
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