2NE1's Sandara Park revealed an incident with G-Dragon. On an episode of KBS2TV's "Entertainment Relay" airing January 28th, Sandara Park revealed "Looking at G-Dragon, I once thought I could date a man like this." She continued, "Not too long ago, I went skiing with G-Dragon. Usually he is very shy so he doesn't even talk much, but he carried my snowboard for me without saying anything." G-Dragon responded, "When Sandara was walking down with her snowboard, she looked like she was carrying two people. It looked like she was having trouble so I helped her. I'm rather thankful that she viewed me in a good way." Meanwhile, T.O.P, who was listening in, replied, "I didn't go to the ski resort at the time, but if I had gone, I think that I may have been chosen too." Aw, YG-Family love. Fans sure do love seeing artists from the same company maintaining good relationships with each other. Or does Dara-gon exist after all? Source: Newsen via Nate, thanks to Gelic + Napoleona for the tip!
2NE1's Sandara Park talks about her fondness for G-Dragon
Posted by 2 pts Saturday, January 29, 2011
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