Netflix's original series 'Song of Bandits', set to premiere on September 22, has released a new trailer. This series offers an engrossing narrative, abundant in dramatic action and poignant human stories set in Gando, a lawless land in the 1920's where Chinese land owners, Japanese investors and Joseon people coexisted. This action drama unfolds with a diverse cast of characters united by their desire to protect what is precious to them.
Leading the ensemble cast are: Kim Nam Gil as Lee Yoon, a former Japanese soldier turned bandit leader; Seohyun as Nam Hee Shin, an undercover independence activist disguised as a railway bureau chief; and Yoo Jae Myung as Choi Choong Soo, a Korean military leader now based in Gando. Additional fierce characters include Lee Gwang Il (played by Lee Hyun Wook), and the formidable marksman, Eon Nyeon (played by Lee Ho Jeong).
The trailer further builds anticipation for this action-packed drama set to entertain audiences. Undoubtedly, the unfolding story of 'The Thief: The Sound of a Knife' promises to offer a rich narrative involving intense action, compelling motivations and human survival, all set against the wild and dusty backdrop of Gando in the 1920's.
'Song of Bandits' will premiere on September 22 on Netflix.
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