On October 11 KST, KBS announced that the beloved comedy show 'Gag Concert' will return to the screens. Starting from November 12, the famed program will air every Sunday night.
This renowned comedy program, 'Gag Concert,' first aired on September 4, 1999. Over the years, it has made significant contributions to the entertainment industry, giving rise to numerous stars and trending phrases. For over two decades, it has been an essential part of viewers' Sunday night routines, providing 21 years of laughter and enjoyment.
The comedians who will spearhead the revamped 'Gag Concert' unveiled a sneak peek of their performances at the closing ceremony of the '11th Busan International Comedy Festival' on September 3. The novel performances amalgamated elements of the old and the new, rousing fits of laughter from the audience, and injecting immense excitement for the future broadcasts of 'Gag Concert'.
The eagerly anticipated, newly reimagined 'Gag Concert' is set to make its debut on KBS2 TV on November 12 KST.
KBS announces the return of iconic comedy show 'Gag Concert' after 3.5 year hiatus
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
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Gag concert had so many good skit I was sad when they closed it, hope the best for them