'Bloodhounds' has become a global sensation, garnering attention and praise from viewers around the world. Directed by Kim Joo Hwan, this Netflix series tells the story of two young men navigating the treacherous world of private loans, where money reigns supreme and lives are expendable.
Since its release, 'Bloodhounds' has been making waves in the industry. As per Netflix TOP 10, it has already recorded 27.97 million viewing hours in just three days after its release, making it an instant hit. The series quickly climbed up the ranks and landed in the 2nd position on the Netflix Global TOP 10 TV category (non-English). It has been listed within the TOP 10 list in 40 countries, including Brazil, France, and Mexico.
Critics and viewers alike have praised the show for its powerful performances, gripping storyline, and strong direction. Overseas media have lauded 'Bloodhounds,' commenting that Woo Do Hwan and Lee Sang Yi's powerful punch and chemistry stand out, and that it's a fun and enjoyable viewing experience. Some have even expressed a desire for a longer season two.
All of this attention and acclaim is well-deserved as 'Bloodhounds' is a masterpiece in its own right. It's a show that not only entertains but also provokes thought and discussion about the injustices present in society. With its talented cast, excellent direction, and thought-provoking storyline, 'Bloodhounds' is must-watch television and an exceptional work of art.
Netflix's 'Bloodhounds' records 27.9 million hours viewed in 3 days
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
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78% Upvoted
This was a great drama...the storyline, the acting, the casting...even with the rewrite due to the actress dui issue, the director and writers and all the cast that remained after the rework, did a phenomenal job. I highly recommended, if people haven't yet seen it.