You've read how the biggest game in the world, 'League of Legends,' has collided with the k-pop world. Our staff can't hide it as well yes, the game of League is prevalent in the office. I promise I hear writer Parky1 and the CEO discuss the game at least three times a week and I'm like, SK T... T1 Cloud9876 SKT T... SAY WHAT?
Do you play as well? If so you might want to mark your calendar for this event.
#AKPFAMILY presents our first 'League of Legends' event where you can get a chance to play against the allkpop staff! The first event will be held on July 22 at 7:30 P.M. EST, streamed through
Along with the staff members and the CEO himself, our sponsored League streamer AngelsKimi will be joining the #AKPFAMILY team. Two games will be played and any team that beats the #AKPFAMILY team will win an autographed CD and merchandise from our shop.
Up for the challenge? Leave your IGN in the comments below and you'll receive a friend request from "Tuna Shark". Users online on the day of the event will be randomly chosen right before the tournament begins.
I'll religiously be recording the behind-the-scenes of our staff's team chemistry (or lack thereof) on Snapchat @allkpopLive, so don't forget to check it out.
Let's do this!
*Games will be on NA Server!
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