What would a trip to Korea mean for you? Would it mean finally getting to try the yummy food you always see actors munching on in K-Dramas? Would it mean site-seeing in famous places trodden by your favorite actors and idols? Or would it mean seeing those celebrities for yourself, up-close, and in-person?
Whatever your Korean dream is, you're in luck. Korea.net invites international fans from all over the world to participate in their 2nd 'Fall in Love with Korea' event, with a grand prize involving a trip to Korea!
SEE ALSO: Baek Jong Won issues an apology following the series of controversies surrounding his food company
By submitting a video, photo, or webtoon showcasing how you discover Korea in your own country, you can win any one of the three prizes. While third place includes a t-shirt and USB memory stick; second place includes a 'K-Pop Stars' autographed CD, t-shirt, and USB memory stick; and the highly-coveted grand prize includes a trip to Seoul for five days and four nights along with a ticket to the '2014 KBS Song Festival'.
Interested? Then click here for more details on how to submit! Make sure to hurry, as Korea.net will be accepting submissions only until October 24.
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