Recently, KBS aired a mini-drama called 'Noriko Goes to Seoul', which tells the story of a Japanese middle-aged woman trying out for a Korean idol audition after being diagnosed with lung cancer. Aired as a Chuseok special, the drama has been drawing strong praise thanks to Lee Hongki's acting. The F.T. Island member plays the role of 'Min Ha', a teenager who befriends the main character (played by Takashima Reiko). Viewers were impressed by Lee Hongki's performance, as they pointed out his excellent dialogue delivery and smooth acting. "I didn't know that Lee Hongki was so good at acting," said one netizen. "He could work as a lead character right now," praised another. The drama has also been garnering acclaim for its fresh look at the Hallyu wave in Japan. By exhibiting the deep emotional connections Japanese fans make with Hallyu culture, some critics have deemed 'Noriko Goes to Seoul' as a 're-analysis' of Hallyu. Source: Asia Today, OSEN
Lee Hongki draws praise for his acting in 'Noriko Goes to Seoul'
Posted by 27 pts Monday, September 12, 2011
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