Actor Lee Kwang Soo recently showed off his Blue House ID for his role in the SBS drama "City Hunter"! In "City Hunter," Lee Kwang Soo plays the role of a genius engineer professor, named Go Ki Jun, who works for the Blue House (the residence of the President of Korea). In the picture where Lee Kwang Soo was holding his ID, he has a relaxed expression, almost as though he is saying, "I'm the genius professor~". However, in the actual ID picture itself, his facial expression looks like he is awkward and confused. Netizens commented, "'Genius Kwang Soo' is so cool~" "Kwang Soo's smile is so lovely" "Kwang Soo is funnier because of his serious facial expression" "He looks like a real professor!". Lee Kwang Soo was first seen in episode 3 of City Hunter as a genius professor who has a one-sided love towards Choi Da Hye (Goo Hara). Source: TV Report
Lee Kwang Soo, the genius professor, reveals his ID for "City Hunter"
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, June 4, 2011
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