While preparing for Dal Shabet's "Pink Rocket" comeback, member Ga Eun re-injured her knee and was required to visit a hospital in Kangnam. Ga Eun had previously injured her knee during her group's "Supa Dupa Diva" promotions, and had to take a brief break for treatment. Although her condition improved, the pain returned once she began rehearsals again, which eventually led to her being hospitalized for further treatment. Happy Face Entertainment stated, "The remaining time before their comeback will be spent in improving her condition. We'll be working to make sure that this doesn't affect their comeback next month. We'd like to apologize for making their fans worry." Dal Shabet will be releasing their MV teaser on April 11th. Source: Star Today via Naver
Dal Shabet's Ga Eun hospitalized for a knee injury
Posted by 42 pts Thursday, April 7, 2011
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