Actresses Ha Ji Won and Yoo In Na recently confirmed their 'young looks' in a picture they took together while wearing school uniforms. The two are currently appearing in SBS's weekend drama, "Secret Garden", and play the role of best friends. For the drama, they both decided to become roommates and live in one house. Their close friendship traces back to their high school years, which was the reason why they wore school outfits for this particular photo. The staff commented, "They could go right back to high school and no one would be able to tell." The drama's production company added, "In the drama, Ha Ji Won and Yoo In Na play roles that express their close friendship. The two treats each others' wounds and share happiness. Due to their exceptionally young looks, their school outfit look was done perfectly." [gallery] Source: Asia Today
Ha Ji Won and Yoo In Na take photos in school uniforms
Posted by 42 pts Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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