Comedian Noh Hong Chul, who is known for his quirky personality and trademark yellow hair, has become an issue of interest when photos of him with his natural black hair was revealed. A netizen who introduced herself as an 8-year fan of this celebrity recently wrote on an Internet community site, "Who says Noh Hong Chul doesn't go well with black hair?" as the title of a post along with several photos of Noh Hong Chul with black hair. In the photos, Noh Hong Chul grabbed the attention of many as he was shown in his younger self with black hair. Not only that, this comedian was also missing his trademark beard, giving off a much different impression compared to his current self. Netizens replied to this post with mixed feelings as they wrote, "It looks like this is a picture of him before debut. His expression looks so innocent," "Even though it's black hair he looks good with it. He looks more handsome than now" and "He looks better with his beard shaved." I probably couldn't recognize Noh Hong Chul in the photos if I wasn't told it was him. What drastic change, don't you think?
Photos of Noh Hong Chul's black hair
Posted by 1 pt Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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