The comical singing duo Norazo has expressed their interest in gagman Noh Hong Chul. On the show Come to Play, Norazo's Jo Bin was asked who he would choose if they had to replace a member in the group and he chose none other than Noh Hong Chul! Why? Jo Bin explained that "if Noh Hong Chul was in our team, then we would reach extreme levels of humor and extraordinary dimensions. I saw him singing with No Brain in Infinity Challenge, and I knew he was my style of person." In response, Noh Hong Chul said that he was a huge fan of Norazo and created an impromptu team with them in the studio, creating laughter within the staff. No wonder Jo Bin chose Noh Hong Chul! Catch the episode on September 7th!
Norazo wants Noh Hong Chul!
Posted by 0 pt Monday, September 7, 2009
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