[OP-ED: This post reflects the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of allkpop.]
The lives of celebrities are always in the interest of the public. Gossip is sometimes analogous to a car wreck, something you can't look away from. Who doesn't want the latest details on what's happening in the entertainment industry? People are naturally curious, so it makes sense, if you put yourself out there well, there are going to be others who will want to find out everything there is about you. But should that be the case when it comes to the romantic relationships and dating life of celebrities?
A few months ago, there was a controversy with the rumors of BTS V and BLACKPINK Jennie dating, and it reached a point where both of their privacy was completely exposed. Later on, it was revealed that Jennie's iCloud was hacked into. But this isn't the first time dating rumors caused so much havoc. But what is the big deal with celebrity romances?
Shouldn't celebrities be given the sense of privacy to at least keep their relationships within themselves? More or less, idols are also fully grown adults who can take responsibility for their own lives and what they do within their own lives. So why is it that within K-Pop, celebrities need to be presented as being attainable all the time?
Not only that, but what doesn't make sense is that for some couples when they announce their relationship status, netizens fully accept and provide their full support, while for other couples, they do not. For example, when it was confirmed that Son Ye Jin and actor Hyun Bin were dating, everyone was on board and even sent compliments to the couple about how well they matched with each other. When singer Crush and Red Velvet's Joy also went public with their relationship, many fans and netizens gave their support wishing much congrats to the two. Whereas with other couples, people do not want to accept the reality that they are together. For example, all the chaos that ensued with HyunA and Dawn announcing that they were dating. I mean, Dawn got the short end of the stick being kicked out of his group. Was that really necessary?

What makes things even worse is when companies do not give a direct answer of yes or no and beat around the bush. Rather providing a vague answer of "We cannot comment a this time" or dodging to provide a response with "Everyone is focusing on their schedules at the moment." This only leads to even more speculation and suspicions from the netizens. Personally, I'd rather have a direct answer if the couples are dating than give a firm "yes," sure the backlash and the negative responses will be explosive. But isn't it better to just rip off the band-aid and just let the issue roll over? Rather than tailgating netizens along?
If the rumored couple isn't together, then flat out just deny. Why make things even harder?

Additionally, fans should show full support for anyone and everyone. It's their life; they have a right to date whoever they want to date. Who are we to make judgments of who they fall in love with? Imagine if you were in love with a person, and people kept giving you their opinions; you'd probably feel extremely frustrated, wanting a sense of privacy and personal space. That's the same for idols as well. As fans, we should realize idols rarely get any time to themselves, nor do they receive personal space because their lives, every single movement, is always in the spotlight. And sure, many people can say, "Well, that's what they should have expected," or "That comes with the territory of being an idol."
Practically speaking, what's the likelihood that fans will actually end up dating their bias? It's a one-in-a-million shot, and the likelihood of a fan dating their bias is close to none, so why not let idols date who they want to without facing the repercussions?
So what do you think? Could there be a happily ever after for idol couples? Or do you think they have to face the consequences of always being in the limelight?
I can't believe kpop idols still can't date publicly. Hyuna+Dawn are rare. Also Joy+Crush are rare case too.