Super Junior's Siwon is featuring on the upcoming variety show 'Yacht Expedition' alongside Jin Goo, Jang Ki Ha, and Song Ho Joon.
MBC's 'Yacht Expedition' is a documentary variety program that'll follow the 4 men as they go sailing on a yacht in the Pacific Ocean for 21 days. Viewers are curious how Siwon, Jin Goo, Jang Ki Ha, and Song Ho Joon will work together as they're not known for appearing often on variety shows.
Siwon is said to have taken a lot of time to prepare and get close to his fellow cast members, Jin Goo formerly served in the navy, Jang Ki Ha is known to travel nature sites, and Song Ho Joon was the first person to launch a self-built, privately owned satellite.
'Yacht Expedition' premieres in early August.
Super Junior's Siwon to feature in upcoming variety show 'Yacht Expedition' alongside Jin Goo, Jang Ki Ha & Song Ho Joon
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
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82% Upvoted
Whatttt =0 the assemblyman is going to be joining a variety show? Can't wait, all the SuJu members are great on variety shows!