Kangnam talked about the way his mother reacted when he told her he was dating Lee Sang Hwa.
He was one of the guests on 'Knowing Brothers' on February 8th, and the 'Knowing Brothers' members had to guess how his mother reacted when he told her about Lee Sang Hwa. He revealed, "She said, 'Lee Sang Hwa must be crazy [to date you]. She saw Lee Sang Hwa on another show, and apparently, when she saw her on TV, she was thinking to herself, 'I hope Kangnam marries someone like that'."
He also revealed that his mother in law was a fan of 'Laws of the Jungle', so she loved it when she first met him, and also because he was so polite to his elders.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is sooooooooooooooooo sweet
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