The new variety show currently stars CL, Big Bang's Taeyang and Oh Hyuk illustrating their unique lifestyles on the air. Previously, CL's younger sister Harin made a guest appearance on the November 30 episode, gaining much attention among viewers.
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She took the time to talk about CL in detail. To this, PD Jeon explained, "Since 'Livin' the Double Life' is all about showing, there needs to be someone in a close relationship with the star, other than the MCs, to share about their double life. That's why we decided to cast CL's sister Harin."
The director continued saying that more of the stars' top acquaintances will be appearing on the show on a regular basis. "Beginning with Harin, there will be more guests to follow in each episode as they get to share their own point of views of top celebrities. We hope you will enjoy it."
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