The group decided to call the show 'That is 24K's Golden Show'. During the show, they thanked fans while putting on a mukbang featuring Thai food.
Kisoo said, "I heard pad thai was ranked second in the world for being the tastiest food. There's no Korean dish between 1 to 9." To this, Cory said, "I think you can only really know the deep taste of Korean food after understanding the Korean people's culture. My guess is that the ranking is focused more on how easy/accessible the food is to eat."
Kisoo also revealed that he wishes to get married when he's 34 years old. After hearing the answer, Cory asked, "What are you going to do if you don't have a girlfriend at the time?" Kisoo jokingly replied, "Instead of not having a girlfriend, I don't think I will have money then."
The members of the group wrapped up the show by doing rock-paper-scissors to see which member would be required to eat the remainder of the food that they could not finish.
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