Though IU made a public apology for the controversy surrounding the song "Zeze" from her album 'CHAT-SHIRE', many still take issue with the song's lyrics and the album's themes.
One netizen in particular has started a petition calling for the abandonment of IU's song. The petition, which had 13,000 signatures by the end of 16 hours, is calling for 100,000 to sign.
The netizen wrote:
What are your thoughts on the petiton and ongoing controversy?
One netizen in particular has started a petition calling for the abandonment of IU's song. The petition, which had 13,000 signatures by the end of 16 hours, is calling for 100,000 to sign.
The netizen wrote:
"IU has crossed the line with the lolita themes in her song 'Zeze'... IU said that she meant the lyrics to be from a third-party perspective rather than as the five-year-old Zeze, but if that were so, Zeze would not have been used as an illustration in her album artwork.
IU meant well, but because of the artwork, the song has become connected to the 5-year-old Zeze in the book. The drawing of Zeze in fishnet stockings in a pin-up pose pulls from a pedophilic theme. This is not all, but pedophiles have already drawn connections to the 5-year-old Zeze in the song.
IU probably understands that it's dangerous for children to be compared to sexual beings. Since IU is an influential singer and the producer of 'CHAT-SHIRE', she should take responsibility by removing scenes related to 'Zeze' from her music video and taking down the song from stores."
What are your thoughts on the petiton and ongoing controversy?
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