It was reported earlier that celebrity couple, Tablo and Kang Hye Jung will be having a closed-door wedding ceremony at The Bailey House in Kangnam, Seoul on the 26th. But reporters were already staking out the entrance to the wedding venue, for shots of stars attending the wedding. Among those spotted at the wedding include Kim Sun Ah (with new braces), Song Yuna, Han Chae Young, Ha Ji Won (with torn jeans), Kim Hyo Jin, Uhm Ji Won, Jo Eun Ji, Gong Hyo Jin, Jung Hye Young, Harang, Ahn Sung Ki, Song Kang Ho, Mithra, Cha Tae Hyun, Gill, Bobby Kim, etc. The newly-wedded couple will leave for Europe on the 27th, tomorrow for their sweet honeymoon. The two are expecting a baby sometime in 2010, with Kang Hye Jung already pregnant, which led to this rushed marriage.
Stars attending Tablo and Kang Hye Jung's Wedding
Monday, October 26, 2009
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