The first-ever Korean drama Triple revolving around figure skating and featuring Lee Jung Jae, Lee Sun Gyun, Yoon Kye Sang, Min Hyo Rin and Lee Ha Na among it's cast begun filming last month. The drama which will be aired on 11th June through MBC after Cinderella Man also begun filming for the first time at the Gangneung International Ice Rink recently. All the main cast were present including Park So Hyun, making a cameo appearance as a coach. Despite flowers blooming outside the ice rink, it was unbearably cold inside for everyone involved. The cold chilling feeling would really sink in after 5 minutes and many production staff have developed colds after filming for long hours inside the ice rink. Min Hyo Rin's performance on the ice rink was highly anticipated as she had practised vigorously for her role in the past year, putting in at least 10 hours and above of practise daily without fail. In a nutshell, Min Hyo Rin plays a high school student named Haru who has tremendous potential in becoming a top figure skater. After donning her ice skates, Min Hyo Rin's impressive showing on the ice ring won her applause from everyone watching her. Director Lee Yoon Jung personally came up to Min Hyo Rin and praised her for the hard work that she had put in for her role which led to Hyo Rin tearing. Triple reunites director Lee Yoon Jung and screenwriter Lee Jung Ah, having both previously worked together on the hit MBC drama series Coffee Shop 1st Prince. The drama is widely anticipated to be a hit with Korean viewers, seeing how popular figure skating is in Korea right now thanks to Kim Yuna who became world champion at the recent 2009 World Figure Skating Championships and setting a new world record in the process. Although one might suggest that it is trying to cash in on the Kim Yuna momentum, one must take note that the drama had been mooted almost a year ago. credit to imbc for pictures.
Sneak Peek at Triple
Posted by 0 pt Thursday, April 9, 2009
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