South Korea, known for its emphasis on health and wellness, faces a pressing challenge as obesity rates continue to surge within its population, particularly in Korean men.
According to data from the Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS), the prevalence of obesity has steadily risen each decade, necessitating urgent attention and preventive measures.
The data obtained from KOSIS indicate a concerning trend in South Korea's obesity rates. As of the latest available statistics, the prevalence of obesity among adults has increased significantly as more than 50% of men in the age bracket of 30 to 49 are considered obese. In the case of Korean men, 41.9% of men from ages 50 to 69 are obese, and men over the age of 70 are the only ones who are under the 30% range.
Over the recent decades, the obesity rate in men has increased from 35.1% in 2011 to 46.3% in 2021. Now for the first time, the obesity rate has surpassed 50% in 2023, which is an alarming rise in obesity rates in Korean men.
However, the case is different for Korean women, as less than 30% of women are obese from ages 19 to 59. Women from 60 to 69 are the only age group with an obesity rate over 40%.
Why do some people blame everything on the west? The majority of them dont eat western food. Especially the older generation that this study is focused on.