Recently, netizens have been discussing the change in aespa member Karina's mood with just a change in her eyebrows.
In one online community, a Korean netizen posted various photos and gifs of aespa Karina. The netizens claimed she was interested in the change in Karina's overall mood with just the change in her eyebrows.
Originally, Karina was seen with arched eyebrows until the middle of this year. With the thick arched eyebrows, she gave off a strong and fierce image of a powerful independent young lady.
However, Karina's image changed slightly as she looks more feminine and delicate, giving off a more lovely mood. The netizen claimed that Karina had changed her eyebrows to be thinner and straight rather than the arched eyebrows she showed before.
Since then, Korean netizens have been discussing in the online community which image of Karina they like better. Many Korean netizens have agreed that they like Karina's softer image much better as she looks more like a girl group member.
"Karina without the arched eyebrows look so much prettier."
"I definitely like her better in the second one."
"I think I like both images since they look different."
"I like it without the arch."
"With the arched eyebrows, she looks like a unique model, but without the arch, she looks more like an idol group member."
"I think she looks better without the arch."
"I liked her better with the arched eyebrows because she would stand out."
"She looks so much nicer without the arched eyebrows. She looks too strong with the arch."
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
no hate intended but why we talking about eyebrows she's ok looking but why tho
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