BTS Jin released his solo song Moon as part of Map of the Soul: 7 album in february 2020 and received huge attention around the world as the song has topped #1's in iTunes in 109 countries so far.

Dr James O'Donoghue Planetary Scientist from JAXA listened to BTS Jin's solo song Moon and answered to Moon's lyrics "How long has the moon and earth been together like this?", James O'Donoghue tweeted on his official twitter account "Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago and then a Mars-sized object hit 100 million years later. It was from the Saturn-ring like wreckage that our Moon formed. Here's how big it used to look in our sky thereafter"

Fans asked him "So you listened to Moon and looked up its lyrics?" and he answered "A while ago yeah! I'm totally biased to music with an astronomical name, so they would be the first I check"
Then he added "Speaking of bias - Jin"

Few months ago Nasa also tweeted that "The Moon already belongs to everybody, even Seokjin"
Even the planet love seokjin ..
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