BTS Jimin set a new record in music industry and as a Korean soloist when his latest solo song, "Filter" debut in some of the largest music markets in the world. "Filter" by Jimin is a b-side track from MOTS: 7 that has no promotion, collaboration or music video. Despite not having any of that, Jimin's "Filter" still managed to chart the highest next to BTS lead single, "ON". Jimin not only achieved triple-crown from debuting in US, UK and Canada but also achieved an all-kill by ranking #2 next to "ON" and ranking #1 for a solo song in the top 5 Korean music chart.

On 3rd March 2020. in order to celebrate Jimin's achievements, fans around the world trended several hashtags on Twitter. Keyword "I LOVE YOU JIMIN" was seen to trend worldwide while keywords #FilteronHOT100UK100 and #FilterRuleTheChart trended in Korea.
"Filter" by Jimin previously was quoted as an album standout. Judging from all of his achievements with all of his solo songs (Lie, Serendipity, Promise and Filter), Jimin is indeed on another level. Congratulation to Jimin for all of these great achievements.
Congratulation Jimin!! 👏
Love the song, I always start dancing when it comes on😘