Actor Kim Sun Ho, currently garnering attention for his lovable image as a cast member of KBS2's '1 Night, 2 Days' season 4, took part in a fun, lighthearted pictorial and interview 'Elle' magazine's February issue!
Throughout the pictorial, Kim Sun Ho brought out his sweet, playful, and pure charms to the max, making onlookers laugh. Regarding his high energy, Kim Sun Ho explained, "When it comes to things I'm not confident in, like photoshoots, I raise my energy levels a lot more. I'm afraid of becoming a hinderance to anyone otherwise."
Next, Kim Sun Ho attributed his success with great drama productions, as well as variety debut, to his excellent luck. The actor shared, "I think luck sided with me because I was always smiling and laughing. I never thought about the future. I always believed that if I was having fun at that moment, then it would all remain with me as a great new experience."
Finally, Kim Sun Ho commented on working on the set of '1 Night, 2 Days', "I've always liked to joke, especially dark humor. I was actually feeling confident when I first started, but it turned out that acting natural without getting tense was harder than I thought."
This guy issoooo cute,charming and handsome.The dimples are my weakness. Hope to see him in more dramas.