The idol rapper recently revealed that he's auditioning for the rapper competition program. At the showcase for TEEN TOP's new album' High Five', he talked about his participation, and said, "I received a lot of compliments as well as malicious comments. At first, I was startled but of course, I wasn't able to show myself so I'll prepare well for it and repay with good results."
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Niel commented, "I've watched (him on) JTBC's 'Hip Hop Nation'. Changjo really loves hip-hop so he practiced hip-hop a lot in the practice room even before he applied for 'SMTM6'. I've always thought that it would be cool for him to try rap after watching him practice. Once I found out that he had applied, I wanted to give him great support. I know he'll do well."
He jokingly added, "I just hope he passes the preliminary rounds. If he doesn't then I hope they edit him out."
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