On July 22, film and drama production company Mountain Movement Story, heading up operations for the movie remake of webtoon 'Cheese In The Trap', made the following announcement: "After confirming a movie remake of author Soon Kki's webtoon 'Cheese In The Trap', which received a lot of love as a drama produced by tvN last January, we have decided to carry out public auditions in both Korea and China to find a lead actress to take on the role of Hong Seol."
Actor Park Hae Jin has already been confirmed for the lead male role of Yoo Jung sunbae, and reportedly, the role of In Ho has also be filled.
Mountain Movement Story will be accepting audition files from August 1-15, from which they will choose 30 contestants to move on to the next round.
'Cheese In The Trap's movie remake is set to begin filming in early 2017.
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