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[Album & MV Review] Block B - 'Blooming Period'

Posted by eric_r_wirsing Monday, April 18, 2016
Block B


Track List:

1. A Few Years Later
2. Toy
3. It Was Love (Song by Taeil)
4. Walkin` In The Rain
5. Bingle Bingle (Song by B-Bomb, U-Kwon)
6. A Few Years Later (Inst.)

Block B is back again; after solo and Japanese activities, we have a new album "Blooming Period." Known for their tough guy image, they've shed it here for more of a tender, pensive concept. You've already heard "A Few Years Later" and shot that one to the top of the charts, so how does the full EP stack up?

I've already reviewed "A Few Years Later," no need for a recap here.

"Toy" is their title track, written, composed, and arranged by Zico. This is a low tempo track using the unique synth arrangements we're used to hearing from this band. The synth seamlessly meshes with the rest of the instruments and their voices.  The chorus is pretty intense, again like we've come to expect. They certainly sound morose here during the main verses. Even the raps, delivered by Zico, Kyung, and P.O. sound melancholy. And no wonder -- it's a dark subject: to need her love so bad you're willing to be used then cast aside like a broken plaything.

"It Was Love" is a remake of the Zico song originally sung by Luna of f(x). This time Taeil took a stab at it, with mixed results. While I like Taeil's range, his performance pales next to Luna's. Those high notes at the end are supposed to give you chills, yet the delivery here was flat. I should be feeling it, not just hearing it.

"Walkin' In The Rain" is a mid-tempo song, with some pounding beats and acoustic guitar. The song is a bit livelier than "Toy" and sounds far less menacing. Each of the boys get a part here (though I wanted more P.O.), and the emotions rang from tender to angry. The chorus tells you what it's all about:

"I'm scared that maybe
You're with somebody else
You are unpredictable
Please find me
I'm walkin' in the rain"

"Bingle Bingle" starts out promising, but quickly falls into more of a mid-tempo tune, bridged with some tender harmonies. Even though it's probably the liveliest song on the album (reminding me some of "Her") it's still not enough to really inject some life into this disc. The performances are okay, but it seems like they're holding back. I was hoping for more of a club banger. The song is about going round in round in a relationship.

Though it's an okay album, it's not really what I've come to expect from Block B. I miss intense, powerful anthems like "Very Good," "Go Crazy," and "Conduct Zero,"* songs that get my blood pumping. Also absent are lush productions like "Did You Or Did You Not" or "Be The Light," though "Toy" comes close. If this is their "Blooming Period," I think they got a little too much rain -- they sound watered down.

*Technically BASTARZ, I know.


It starts out with Zico, sitting with other piles of trash, singing to us. And then it transitions to the boys, in various spots. Kyung, standing by while the girl primps herself in the mirror, and then U-Kwon, and you get the picture. There's a scary sequence where all the boys are sitting in chairs in a line, blank expressions on their faces as they sing the chorus. Gradually they go through various shots where they confront the girl, and finally tell her its over. It's not so much said as implied, like when Kyung tears up a piece of paper.

The dancing is kinda spare. When we do get it, there are some interesting shots, like the moves of tangled marionettes, as well as some straight up dancing shots. The boys are fairly talented, if not spectacular, so it helps to bring some kinetic energy to the video.

The clothing is not all that odd. In keeping with the dark idea of the song, some colors are muted, and other shots are dark but for floodlights. While I could wish for the dapper suits (and the crazy outfit) like we saw in "Very Good," I can't complain too much.

It's not a bad MV, and we get some interesting shots here, too. It's a bit slow, though, since I'm not that much a fan of the song, and on repeated listens and views, it kinda grated on me. While it is definitely in keeping with the song, there wasn't much here to keep my interest.


MV Relevance..........8
MV Production..........8
MV Concept..............8
Album Production.....7
Album Concept.........7
  1. Block B
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