When you think of Gangnam, you might think of Gangnam style, an area that's hip, trendy, and sometimes lavish. However, back in 2000, Gangnam was a very different place and Ecko or Mecca urban clothing was more commonplace on the streets than the luxury designer clothing you often see today.
A netizen recently shared photos on an online community board from this era in Gangnam, highlighting the street fashion. Upon seeing the photos, netizens commented, "Nostalgia, what a trip down memory lane. Some of those brands that were popular back then don't exist anymore", "But back then it's just that the design is a bit corny, even now don't people wear oversized clothing?? The pants may be a bit too much..kekekeke", "Back then...the people with swag were alright hehe", and, "I'll have to remember the styles. They may become a trend again in 2020 lol."
Check out some photos of Gangnam's street fashion fifteen years ago below!
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