On August 18th, Big Bang's Seungri uploaded a very special video of himself wishing leader G-Dragon a happy 25th birthday!
The singer wrote on his me2day, "Big Bang's maknae Seungri's birthday message to leader Kwon Jiyong hyung. I love you, Kwon Jiyong. Don't throw me away..."
Holding up a cake with 'Happy Birthday' written on it in frosting, Seungri says heartfully in the video, "Today's Big Bang's leader G-Dragon hyung's birthday. I would like to genuinely congratulate him on his 25th birthday. Our Jiyong hyung is far away right now which is why I decided to put my heart in a video and send it to him. I'm looking forward to G-Dragon hyung's upcoming solo album. Our Kwon Jiyong, Jiyong hyung I love you."
He continued, "Since Jiyong hyung isn't here with me today, I'll blow out his candles for him. (Oh, it's about to burn) One, two, three. Jiyong hyung, fighting!"
Netizens commented back, "Seungri is such a cutie pie", "I love seeing their friendship like this", and "You can obviously tell how much he loves him just through this video".
Source + Photos: Seungri's Official me2day
Big Bang's Seungri records a special video for G-Dragon wishing him a happy birthday

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