Hyun Young's fashion brand has hit the jackpot after she made a guest appearance on a TV home shopping program. On the 10th, through 'Hyundai Home Shopping' (Similar to the Home Shopping Network in America), she launched her clothing brand 'Eslarin' and sold 14,500 sets of clothes within 2 hours. This roughly came out to a sales figure of 1,300,000,000 won (around $1.2 million). The 'Hyundai Home Shopping' representatives revealed, "Usually during the morning times, the clothes that we air usually bring in sales of about 800,000,000 won ($715,000) to 900,000,000 won ($800,000). However, in comparison, 'Eslarin' has recorded a 60% increase in sales." Also, Hyun Young has personally showed off her brand by wearing the clothes and showing them off to viewers. She has also revealed her personal fashion styles and grabbed a lot of the viewer's attention. [gallery] Source: E Daily via Yahoo! Korea
Hyun Young's fashion brand Eslarin is a hit
Posted by 0 pt Friday, March 11, 2011
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