Actress Lee Min Jung showed off her "goddess" makeup pictures, and they've been gaining lots of attention for, well, obvious reasons. Recently at a studio located in Kangnam, the actress filmed a CF shoot promoting the makeup brand Lollynne. During the film, Lee Min Jung bragged her beautiful goddess like looked and pulled off a strong charismatic aura. The film was based around the three concepts of "goddess smoky," "goddess natural" and "goddess romantic." Lee Min Jung received praise from the staff present during the filming for her strong and realistic expressions and poses of a goddess being born. Through popular dramas including Boys over Flowers and Smile You, Lee Min Jung recently rose to stardom as one of the most wanted actresses of this year. She filmed CFs for products including cars, alcoholic beverages, and now makeup.
Lee Min Jung is a goddess
Posted by 1 pt Thursday, June 17, 2010
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