We all know that Wonder Girl's "Nobody" is a big hit in Korea and all around Asia. JYP is even starting to promote the song in America too. Personally, I love the song and all the remixes by the Wonder Girls so why, Why, WHY?! does the Cambodian group RHM have to ruin the song for me? RHM is getting a lot of flack for stealing the choreography and style of both "Tell Me" and "Nobody." JYP Entertainment along with Sony BMG will be looking into the case and most likely take them to court. From RHM's crappy imitation of the dance to the horrible singing voices, RHM has just ruined my day. Check it out: I guess this has been around for about a month but newsen just recently did an article about it. I hope these hoes get what's coming to them. In the past, another Vietnamese group got in trouble for copying DBSK's "Rising Sun". What do YOU think about these cheap imitations?
Posted by 1 pt Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wonder Girls copied by Cambodian group RHM
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