VICTON teased their comeback in January for fans after the unforeseen cancellation of their year-end fan meeting.
On December 10 KST, IST Entertainment revealed, "VICTON plan to release a new album this coming January. We will provide you with further details related to the new album soon."
Previously on November 26, VICTON were forced to cancel their fan meeting 'Sweet Travel', originally scheduled for December 4 and December 5, due to several members coming into contact with positive cases of COVID-19. In order to comfort the hearts of disappointed fans, VICTON released a special video that showed the members sharing their thoughts on their hard work and persistence throughout the last five years.
Now, VICTON are ready to kick off their comeback promotion plans with ‘2022 VICTON TIME TRILOGY Chapter 1.’! Stay tuned for even more details on VICTON's January comeback!
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