The member had become wrapped up in school bullying accusations via online communities ever since her first introduction, causing an uproar on social media and ultimately leading her to hiatus when her alleged victim hired a law firm that publicly asked Hybe to retract their claim that Garam wasn’t a bully. After that, Hybe/Source Music announced Garam’s hiatus but maintained their initial position that she was innocent and posted a lengthy explanation of her side, claiming that the alleged victim was the actual bully who had taken a pic of Garam’s friend half-naked and uploaded it online, and Garam had simply verbally defended her friend because of that and was unjustly punished.
Since then, some people took the matter into their hands and did their best to find out if Hybe/Source Music's statement could be backed and did lengthy explanation threads on social media in favor of Garam.
❗Only for smart people, sheep are not invited ☝️
I will post here a compilation of all the various information,research, and discussion carried out on Kim Garam case! (open the links❗)
Some of the people who were on the fence about her innocence were confused when the statement of her contract termination came out, simply because Hybe/Source Music defended her until then and then didn’t give any explanation when they released the announcement, nor did they say that they were wrong and she’s guilty.
But it seems like people might get their answers soon, as one of Garam’s alleged friends is coming out on her personal IG to further explain the situation and accuse Hybe/Source Music of using the situation and Garam for noise marketing.
nice fiction
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